Svar på frågor.
- Hann ni åka till Amazonas regnskog? Det verkar väldigt spännande och stort!!
- svar= Nej, jag hann inte, men från Itajai till Amazonas regnskog är som Sveirge till Afrika, och det är ganska långt.
- Har ni sett några näsbjörnar eller sengångare? Vi har läst att de finns i Amazonas.
- svar= Nej för vi gick inte till Amazonas.
- Finns det sambaskolor i Itajai, där ni är? Eller finns det bara i Rio de Janeiro?
- svar= Det finns sambaskolor över hela Brasilien.
- När ni samlade in skräp på stranden, skulle ni bygga en staty av skräpet. Hur blev den?
- svar= Jag byggde en segelbåt av skräpet och den blev jättefin. Och dom andra byggde en jätte fisk som heter Tahina. Se bild!
- Vad gör barn i Brasilien för roliga saker?'
- svar= Dom spelar mycket strandfotboll.
To Disney World!
Beach clean
Happy Easter in Brazil!
I come to visit the Kiwis!
Bye Sanya Go'day Sydney
We are now done in Sanya and we have been moving on to Sydney, we first went on a short plan for a one hour to Hong Kong, and then we took a plane from Hong Kong to Sydney that took 9 houres.
On the plane I watched Tintin on the movie, it was lovely, really fun. And after that we had a lovely sleep
Usually me, Molly and my mum are the ones that go together on the flights, but this time it was me, Molly and dad. And I am going to visit my grand mother and grand father in Sydney. They picked us at the airport and gave us balloons. My dad is going at 4 o’clock to Auckland and we will be staying on our own with grandma and grandpa for 4 days and then my mum is coming from China. I will go to Auckland in 2 weeks.
Bye for now
Answers to Montessori skolan Vaxholm
Sanya Beach clean
Hi all friends!A beach clean is a thing that we do in the Volvo Ocean Race in every stopover. We go to the beaches and clean up all the rubbish because there is this story about an Albatross and she was very powerful. And this bird she had lots of babies and we want to keep them safe because all the plastic that people through in the water just floats around and any Albatross can mistake it for food. And everyday the Albatrosses eat this kind of rubbish so they get weaker and weaker every day, and then they will die.Yesterday I went on a bus to a beach and we picked all the rubbish that the Chinese people had spread all over the beach, we picked lots of rubbish. When we went back we took a picture with all the Chinese children that was also taking part of the beach clean. There was a Chinese TV station doing a story about the beach clean and they wanted a child from another country to be filmed on the Chinese TV program, and they choose me to be filmed and they asked me some questions about what kind of rubbish I found on the beach.All the rubbish that we found is going to be taken back to Race Village and then into a room where we have boxes full of rubbish, and all the children come there to make sculptures out of the rubbish we found.Love from Ebba
Abu Dhabi
Answers from all your questions.
Hello all my friends, I have found the answers to all your questions you had for me in Cape Town.
Hope you like the answers, love from Ebba.
Questions from Lemshaga Akademi.
Which oceans are Cape Town surrounded by?
Atlantic and the Indian Ocean.
If there were monkeys in Cape Town?
Yes, there are lots of baboons.
Is there lava rock in Cape Town?
No, there isn’t.
What language they speak there?
English, Afrikaans and 9 other languages.
What wildlife is there in the ocean?
I’ve seen Penguins, Whales, Fish, Seals, Crabs and there are also some Sharks.
What animals are there in the country and how do they look?
Springbok and they have big anthelers, Elaphants, Zebras, giraffes, chaeta’s and many more.
What natural resources does the country have?
They have lots of gold, diamonds, uranium, iron, platinum and coal in the mines.
We wonder what their clothes look like in Cape Town?
Very colorful, stripy and lots of patterns.
Is the country is rich or poor?
Some people are rich and some people are very poor, lots of people are begging and they live in small shacks.
How does the children have it in Cape Town?
Some have it very good, and some have it very hard.
What do they play with and do they have some special games?
They like to play soccer (fotboll), they also do surfing, and the rich people play with video games.
What does their schools look like?
It looks the same us ours, not so much difference.
How do the people look like?
There is both black and white people.
What type of food do you in the country?
Meat, fish, seafood, springbok, sushi, cudu biltong,
Do you see snails as delicacy?
No, delicates is crayfish.
How it looks, it is palms trees?
Fynbus is a special tree, Cape Town has a very rich fauna, one of the richest in the world and many palm trees
Are there whales in the oceans?
Yes, and I saw two, a mum and a baby.
Which is the coolest animal?
The owls that I saw at a zoo, they sat on my head my hand.
What grows in the trees?
Lemon, oranges, apples, pineapple, coconuts, grapes, berries, passion fruit, figs, water melons.
What does the houses look like that the people are living in?
The rich people has wonderful houses with pools, TV’s and close to the beach where they could go surfing. But the poor people live in big towns with small shacks.
What occupations are there?
Doctors, parking attendance, security guards, hotel hostesses, air hostesses, restaurant workers, taxi drivers, bus drivers, office jobs, life guards, police, nurse, garbage pickers, veterinaries, teachers.
Questions from Montessori School Class 4-6
We have read about South Africa and Cape Town. We think it was interesting to hear about Nelson Mandela and his fight against apartheid. We would like to know more about Nelson Mandela.
How did it look in the jail where Mandela spent a lot of years in?
It looked really old and the jail was on a small Island. You need to go by ferry.
Can you take photos from Robben Island?
Yes, and you can see in the blog.
Does Nelson Mandela have a family?
Yes, he has two kids and a wife.
How did his family cope when he was in prison for so long?
They were very sad, but they could only send him a letter once every 6 months.
Is that still the case that people make a difference between blacks and whites in South Africa?
Yes, but its getting better. Black people are more accepted and have better jobs.