Animals in Cape Town

I have been visiting some interesting places and seen many different animals that live in Cape Town. I have seen a whale and a baby whale, I have seen baboons again, I have seen ostrich, I have seen seals, I have seen many birds and I have been inside a cage with a Cheetah. Our school will go and visit a school in Cape Town on Wednesday, they are going to help me with all your questions that you have sent me from Lemshaga and Montessori skolan. Love from Ebba

Postat av: Märtas klass

Hej Ebba!

Roligt att läsa om dina äventyr i Kapstaden. Vi undrar vad det är för skillnad att leva som barn i Sverige och leva som barn i Sydafrika. Vo

2011-12-06 @ 13:48:47
Postat av: Amanda/MärtasKompis :)

Hej Jag Heter Amanda Och Är 9 År Gammal Som Är Märtas Kompis. Är Det Kul I CapeTown Hoppas Att Det Kul Där.. _

2011-12-06 @ 13:52:40
Postat av: Amanda/MärtasKompis :)

Hej igen Ebba!

Var du inte rädd för den där stora babianen!!!

Den såg ju läskig ut ;)

Eller den dära Stora fågeln ;))

2011-12-06 @ 13:54:46
Postat av: Rut ( Märtas Klasskompis )


What exciting to pet a cheetah.

Do you have a good time in Cape Town and do you like your school?

Hugs Ruth!

2011-12-06 @ 13:57:05
Postat av: Rut ( Märtas Klasskompis )

2011-12-06 @ 14:33:32
Postat av: Eloise & Isabelle

Hi Ebba, Sounds like you're having a brilliantly wonderful time in Cape Town. We remember when we went there a few years ago a baboon crossed the road in front of us shaking its butt! Aren't the penguins cuuuute! When will we get to see you next? Looking forward to reading more of your blog (put us on the list pls). xo Ella & Issy

2011-12-08 @ 10:27:07
Postat av: paula

hello Ebba do you look in your email because i send you one and you dont answer.I think your having a great time|||

love paula.i miss you.

2011-12-11 @ 11:42:39
Postat av: zhane

A cheetah some tames they are very danjurus

love Zhane

2011-12-12 @ 20:01:43
Postat av: zhane

A cheetah some tames they are very danjurus

love Zhane

2011-12-12 @ 20:03:33
Postat av: zhane

A cheetah some tames they are very danjurus

love Zhane

2011-12-12 @ 20:05:23
Postat av: zhane

Hello Ebba .We like the rinoserus alot

We all mis you alot

Lots of love Zhane

2011-12-14 @ 18:53:49
Postat av: Ebba

Hi Marta's class in Vaxholm, There is not much difference except they have beach near their schools and in Sweden you have the archipelago and skiing. Many of the children at the school we visited wanted to go to sweden one day!

2011-12-16 @ 09:50:25
Postat av: Ebba

Hi Amanda, No, I was not scared because we have to be in the car with the windows up otherwise the baboons will come and try and take your things especially food! They have big sharp teeth and there are signs saying that be careful of them as they are very curious and walking all over the roads!

2011-12-16 @ 09:52:26
Postat av: ebba

Hi Ella and Izzy, the penguins are very cute. I will be in Sydney at the end of February! for 2 and half weeks before we go to Auckland for the Volvo race! I can't wait to see you again:-) love Ebba

2011-12-16 @ 09:54:16
Postat av: ebba

hi Paula, I will look in my email now! I miss you too:-) I sent a present from Cape Town to our class, you will get it soon!

2011-12-16 @ 09:55:42
Postat av: ebba

Hi Zhane, yes the cheetah is still very dangerous! we had to be very careful when we patted him. As soon as he moved we had to stand back and we couldn't move too quickly because he would think we were food! especial little Molly:-) We didn't get to see any rinhnosoros, they are not in Cape Town but in other parts of Africa. I miss you too and wish you were here with me!

2011-12-16 @ 09:58:45

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